Campers will ride the trail horses, design their own t-shirt, try archery, swim, explore the Flint Hills nature, karaoke, take on the leadership adventure course, canoe, perform in skits and much more. Our theme this year is "Be Creative!" We will explore art, music, drama and much, much more. Campers will also have the chance to try Zumba!
Rock Springs will be our home for the camp experience. We will join youth from Dickinson, Geary, Morris, Pottawatomie and Wabaunsee counties for the camp adventure. Campers will be grouped by 8 per room, with two teen counselors. We will live in cabins or tents, and eat meals together in a family-style setting, at Williams Dining Hall.

One of my favorite things about camp is the Campfire. After it has gotten dark, we will all gather around the camp fire to sing songs, tell stories and share laughs. Counselors will lead us in the games and activities. The best camp memories always involve a song.
Camp is definitely something you won't want to miss. I am excited already to eat my favorite snack -- frozen lemonade at the snack bar and get goosebumps as we raise our nation's flag and 4-H flag each day.
Visit to get your camp registration copy. You can also register and pay online at this site too.
Are you ready for some creative fun? See you at camp!
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