Monday I got home from work at 5:45 and had to be at a meeting by 7:00. Not much time to fix dinner. Tuesday evening the family had to be at the school for awards night by 7:00. Again, not much time to fix dinner. Wednesday night my husband had to be at a City Council meeting by 6:30. For the third night in a row, the meal fixing window was short. I could have run by the grocery store or through the drive-thru for takeout, but we don’t need the extra calories and it’s hard to feed a family of four takeout for less than $20, even if it is fast food. Lucky for me, I had a stock pile of meals prepared and in the freezer for weeks such as this.
Freezer meals are a great way to make sure my family gets a nutritious meal and that we have time to eat together. Usually about once a month I have a major cooking session, fill all the pans in my cupboards with food and stick them in the freezer. Some of our family favorites are beef stroganoff, lasagna, and chicken enchiladas. These meals are a life saver!
Would you like to learn how to prepare a stock pile of freezer meals for your family? Join me and Ginny Barnard for a Freezer Food Fiesta on June 18 from 6-8:30 pm at the First United Methodist Church in Manhattan. During the Fiesta, participants will learn the basics of once-a-week cooking and prepare a week’s worth of meals to take home. The evening will include a tasting dinner, games, and recipes for a $35 registration fee. It will be a perfect night out—so bring a friend. Register today at .
Welcome to the Riley County Extension Blog. The purpose of our blog is to provide up-to-date extension information, education, and event details. Topics may include child and family development, behavior and discipline, finances, nutrition and food, wellness and activity, youth and community service, textiles and clothing construction, horticulture, and agriculture. Feel free to give any suggestions, comments, or questions!
Please tell the Saline County crew, I want one of these classes in MY extension office!!!!!!