Thursday, April 16, 2009

I fertilized my broccoli with some urea (straight nitrogen) fertilizer. I pulled back the row cover to fertilize and watered it in. I then put the row cover back.

Broccoli, Cauliflower and Cabbage can be fertilized 3 weeks after field transplanting with a half a pound of urea (46-0-0) per 100 feet of row. Or half a tablespoon of urea per plant.


  1. If I added organic compost to my garden bed before planting, is it still necessary to fertilize?

  2. Gregg,
    This blog is a great communication tool! I hope you post more vegetable gardening tips and photos throughout the season.


  3. I want to know more about making raised beds for my vegetable garden.

  4. Extension has a publication on raised bed gardening. Stop by the office or get it from our website at I grow most vegetables in a raised bed. Potatoes and Sweet Corn are grown in the field.

    Soil improvement can be a benefit of the raised bed. Organic matter and compost added to the raised bed helps.

    Organic compost will work as a fertilizer. Watch how your plants grow. Sidedressing with fertilizer guarantees that nutrients are available when the plant needs it. The nutrients in organic compost generally are available slower to the plant. If you have patiences, no additional fertilizer would be needed.
