Monday, July 19, 2010
Going to the Fair

Sunday, July 4, 2010
4-H CWF -- Day 11 -- July 4, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
4-H CWF -- Day 10 -- July 3, 2010
Hello there all your people of Manhattan, Kansas, it's Corinne Gates, your blogger for the day. We left the National 4-H center at about 7:45 this morning (don’t forget that would be 6:45 in Kansas), and spent almost an hour listening to Max and Richard’s political debate while we drifted in and out of sleep. We have absolutely nothing going on today besides driving…other than eating, driving, sleeping, and more driving.
The last 10 days have been quite an experience for all of us, on the first day, we went to the St. Louis Zoo, and were there for about two hours, getting lost in the mass of animals (well, at least Rachael and I did…).
Day two consisted of driving, and stopping at the Louisville Slugger Museum where we toured the factory, and received the privilege of viewing the ways bats used to and are currently being made.
Day three ended up with us traveling to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, where we had an adorable little old man give us a guided tour around the park after we watched a video on Gettysburg and looked at a 40 ft X 140 ft painting of some of the events during the battle.
Day 4 took us to Baltimore, Maryland (Good Morning Baltimore was the song of choice as we entered the city). Where we spent a good amount of time going through the Baltimore Aquarium, and then had some time to spend finding lunch and things before loading back on the bus to head to D.C. We split up into groups of 3 or 4, as we traveled around the Chesapeake Bay. My group (which consisted of Rachael H, Brennan W, Brian I, and I) went up to the mall that was nearby (5 stories high!) and while Brennan and Rachael decided to eat Chinese food, Brian and I took a more American route and had McDonalds. After finishing our meals Brian and Brennan took a short detour to Gamestop while Rachael and I did some good old window shopping (and found a great deal at Wet Seal, Two shirts for a grand total of…4 dollars). After finishing up at the mall, all four of us decided to spend our last 30 minutes paddle boating on the Chesapeake, where the wind decided to gust up and blow my visor into the water, after retrieving it, it has now dried and is officially a souvenir.
After our adventures of travel, we spent a week in Chevy Chase, Maryland, where the 4-H center is located. We saw a lot of monuments (Washington, Iwo Jima, WW2, Lincoln, Vietnam, Korean, and Jefferson memorials), Mt. Vernon, Capitol Hill, and the Smithsonian Museums. We also got the chance to write a bill and have a mock congressional session. Last night we also had a talent show (that was an epic fail) and then a dance…which was better than the talent show…lets just say that.
Any way, I suppose that is all I have to say…OH! After lunch, Jeff decided to show off his mad impersonation skills and imitated Scooby Doo perfectly!!! WOOHOO!
So, thanks for tuning in to CWF 2010 broadcast #10, over and out!
Friday, July 2, 2010
4-H CWF -- Day 9 -- July 2, 2010
As we come towards the end of our trip, I feel it appropriate to begin with a quote that so eloquently describes our time here in D.C.
“It’s pee-your-pants cool!” –Aly Baldree (a.k.a., our P.A.
My name is Sophia and I’m thrilled to tell you about today’s adventures and excursions as a CWF delegate. We enjoyed the freedom and excitement of Delegation Day today. This particular day is set aside for an (semi) independent exploration of the Mall. The Mall is, in my opinion, the pentacle of our nation’s capital. We had already experienced this general area of the city during Wednesday’s Capital Hill Day. However, our time today differed greatly from the previous trip.
It is difficult to give you a full synopsis of the day because we had so much independence and each chose to visit a variety of different places. Now, I suppose I should explain before this unsettles you to any extent. Your children were not running free, unaccompanied in a metropolitan area. We were in groups =). With the company of a few other delegates, we had the chance to see quite a number of significant places.
The vast majority of the delegation set out to see the National Archives first. FAIL. Not to discourage the importance of the documents on which our great nation stands, but the line to see them was a tad much. When we came across the line that wrapped half way around the block, it was unanimously decided that it simply wasn’t worth the three-hour wait. Following this unfortunate ordeal, each group set out in different directions. My group decided to continue a few blocks off the Mall to see Ford’s Theatre where President Lincoln was assassinated. Others went to the National Museum of American History, some to the National Museum of Natural History, a few to the National Air and Space Museum. I believe there were some delegates who went elsewhere, but these were the most popular.
I don’t know that any groups had a detour like our little side trip. We learned quite a few lessons today. Firstly, Ford’s Theatre is the kind of place that you make plans in advance to go see. Secondly, the International Spy Museum is the type of place that you go to with your parents. “Why?,” you may ask—tickets are ridiculously expensive.
So, back to the main Mall we went, where I believe it’s safe to assume most delegates had returned to after the National Archives fiasco. Way to go to all the wise travelers.
Everyone got lunch on their own. The Smithsonian is currently holding an international festival which I’ve heard was a great place for lunch.
After touring the Mall, we met back up at the American Holocaust Memorial Museum. I thought this was possibly the greatest museum I have ever been through. Unfortunately, I have been informed that this view is not shared by the entire delegation. Whatever the case, this museum was inarguably a valuable reminder of the importance of remembering our history in order to better our future.
Following the Holocaust Museum we embarked on journey of public transportation. First, we navigated the Metro (a frightening experience with such a large group). Next, we caught a bus back to the 4-H Center in Chevy Chase.
We went to dinner, had our last delegation huddle with our awesome P.A. Aly, and are now enjoying the CWF Talent Show. This is the result of the hard work of one of the committees in which Riley County is well represented. Next we’ll have closing ceremonies and finally, a dance.
Today has been a very busy, but exciting day. The entire experience so far has been tremendously impactful for us all and we can’t wait to get home! We’ll see everyone soon!
Sophia HarmsThursday, July 1, 2010
4-H CWF 2010 -- Day 8 -- July 1, 2010
Hello and welcome to this week’s second-to-last-day-of-CWF-before-we-leave post! I’m your co-writer, Brennan Walter, and you’ll hear from correspondent Rachael Hull in the next segment.
The day began with a good start, and by that we mean it didn’t start at all until 8:00 for most people because the first event didn’t start until 8:30 AM! However, kudos to Corinne for setting her alarm at 5 AM this morning and ruining it for everyone in her room. Anyway, we had a fantastic, late start to the day and proceeded to our “dot” groups to discuss the coming legislative session, which happened later that afternoon. After the dot groups, our group piled into our Arrowcharriot, piloted by Jeff “Apollo” Weeden, towards the Washington National Cathedral. It is actually named the Episcopalian Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul – named a cathedral because it houses the seat of the Episcopalian Bishop of Washington. The church is often used for services that many very important persons in Washington attend. The church is gigantic, full of gothic arches and flying buttresses. We went back to the 4-H Center and had some free time, lunch, and the congressional session where we debated four bills and it was totally the best part…
So yeah this is Rachael Hull now, the best part of this blog has now started! As Brennan said my wonderful roommate Corinne set her alarm at 5, but what he didn’t mention was that we then fell asleep again and woke up 30 minutes before breakfast ended! But beyond that the National Cathedral was AMAZING! The Cathedral is so pretty and extremely detailed. Our tour guide told us that some of the stone carvers would add things that were not in the original plan and showed us a carving of a cat chasing a mouse.
Today we also had a mock congressional session this afternoon which was really interesting, we debated 4 bills, one on biofuels, one on Phys. Ed, one on internet safety (that was the only passed), and the last one was on distracted driving.
We are currently on our way to Toby’s Dinner Theater to see “Hairspray” the musical, so I will let you all go, have a lovely day! Back to you, Brennan.