Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lawn Issue

I was invited to look at this lawn. After discussion, it appears the lawn has several issues. It was over-seeded last fall. Some of the turf is still young. It has been fertilized perhaps too much in places. The leaves and stems had lesions.

Cure - mow tall and water as needed. No fertilizer until fall. If the weather stays cool, the turf will improve. If it come hot, the turf will decline and need attention come fall.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Seed Tape

I'm trying my own seed tape to reduce the need to thin small vegetable seeds. Carrots, lettuce, radish and in the picture spinach are glued to tissue paper and the proper spacing. Two seeds can be used per spot but will require thinning if they both grow.

I hope this solves my issue of thinning at the proper time. Usually, too busy to get it accomplished.

The seed tape can be covered with garden soil or potting media.